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February 22, 2024 Admin

If you are thinking about whether it is time to repaint your home, we recommend you talk with our professional house painter in Auckland. It is better to repaint the interior walls in every three to seven years depending on their condition. Frequent painting of the walls may be required based on the daily activities, lifestyle and foot traffic. 

Know From House Painter in Auckland How Long Your Present Wall Paint May Last

The following factors may decide how long your present wall paint may stay in place. Paint application and quality, room condition and traffic can change the duration of the painting service significantly.

  • Quality of Paint and Prep Work

Starting from prep work, and paint material to paint techniques can create an impact on how long your paint may last. If professionals do not prep the walls properly which includes surface sanding and excellent primer application, it is quite natural to observe wall peeling and chipping within a year or two. For the paint to last long, you must not skip the paint preparation and apply high-quality paint on the walls.

  • Room Condition

Room condition plays an important role when it comes to the longevity of the painting job. Looking at your walls, you must ask yourself when you have last painted your walls. If there is any peeling and scraping on the walls, you must call a house painter in Auckland to start your painting project. It is important to remember the fact that the overall process may change according to the condition of the room.

  • High Traffic Area

When there is a lot of traffic in the location, it can become susceptible to wear and tear. In the main hallway and children’s room, lots of activities happen throughout the day. Therefore, paint in these rooms may be worn out sooner than in any other lesser-used rooms. By analysing the use of the room, you can get an idea of when you should repaint the walls. A house painter in Auckland can offer you an estimate regarding the time of painting also. 

Paint Your Walls Depending on the Room 

Location and utilisation of the room can make a difference to the appearance of the paint. 

Bedroom:  When it comes to the painting of the bedroom, you may not be required to do it quite often. Since it is an adult room, it does not deteriorate easily. Paint in the bedroom usually stays in good condition for about five to seven years. For a children’s bedroom, a regular paint coat may become necessary as the children draw on the walls and cause a lot of mess. The children’s room has to be painted after three years.

Living Room & Dining Room: House painter in Auckland may not recommend frequent painting of the living room and dining room. Maintenance of the room depends on its utilisation.

Hallways and Stairways: High-traffic areas such as hallways and stairways are prone to tear and wear in comparison to the other rooms in the house. In these areas, you walk frequently, spill things, and bump into a material. So, the walls may become damaged easily. Repainting of these walls is recommended every two years.

Kitchen and Bathrooms: Similar to the entryways, bathrooms and kitchens can experience a lot of wear and tear. Heat, steam, and grease can create damage in these rooms. In three to four years, you must paint the walls. If the top coat is waterproof, it may add an extra level of durability. 

By choosing the best house painter in Auckland, you can get beautifully painted walls that may enhance the value of the home at the same time.